Ski Trip Information 2024

    Please could you complete this form with your child's information by Monday 11 December 2023.

    Please give their names exactly as they are written in their passports as this information will go to the airline.

    For ski ability, please refer to the reference sheet to ensure they have the correct level recorded.

    Further contact and medical forms will be sent closer to the trip.

    Thank you

    Wendy Taylor

    Ski Trip Organiser


    Your details 

    Please give your details for if we need to clarify any information on this form.

    Parent/ Guardian Contact: *
    Parent/Guardian Email: *


    Passport Information - Please give the following information about your child's passport.

    Student's Full Name (as given on their passport): *
    Student's Date of Birth (date/month/year): *
    Student's Nationality (as given on their passport): *
    Student's Passport Number: *
    Passport Issue Date (day/month/year): *
    Passport Expiry Date (day/month/year): *
    Passport Country of Issue: *
    Please upload a copy of your child's passport page: *

    Ski Information

    These next questions are for the ski resort to ensure that your child is in the correct ski group. Height and weight is required to ensure that ski bindings that are set correctly - please ensure this is accurate.

    By referring to the Ski Ability Level reference sheet. Please indicate the ability level of your child. *
    If your child has skied before, approximately how long ago was it since they skied? *
    What is your child's shoe size? *
    What is your child's weight (kg)? If you are unsure of their weight please put "0" and we will arrange for your child's weight to be taken in school. *
    What is your child's height (cm)? If you are unsure of their height please put "0" and we will arrange for your child's height to be taken in school. *
    What is your child's head circumference (cm)? If you are unsure of this please put "0" and we will arrange for this measurement to be taken in school. *

    Dietary and Allergies - Please give details of any dietary requirements or allergies that your child has that we need to be aware of.

    Does your child have any dietary requirements? If so please give more information, e.g. Vegan, Halal, Dairy free etc.
    Does your child have any allergies that we need to be aware of? If so please give more information, e.g. Nut, shellfish, pineapple allergies etc.
    Please give any other comments or information you feel is important for us to know about your child prior to the trip.

    Thank you. 

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