School Bags - Order Form March 2025

    Please note that the cost of the bags will be added to your ParentPay account 

    Daughter's Surname *
    Daughter's First Name *
    Class *

    NGHS School Bag 

    I would like to order a school bag at a cost of £26.40 *

    The initials (maximum of 3) I would like to be on the front of the bag are as follows: *

    NGHS logo and initials to be added to the Swim Bag

    1. Bolton Swim Bag

    2. Hastings Swim Bag

    3. Luxton Swim Bag

    4. Skeel Swim Bag

    I would like to order a school swim bag at a cost of £11.40 *
    The initials (maximum of 3) I would like to be on the swim bag are as follows: *
    My daughter's House is: *
    Parent's Name *

    Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: